Banquet Halls

Do you want your events to speak comfort, elegance and luxury? Be it a family get together or corporate conferences, make your events the envy of the town with awe inspiring facilities that Firm's Banquet boasts.


Pearl has been designed keeping in mind the stars of the business world. Be it any boardroom meetings, high calibre gatherings, product launches or press conferences - Pearl ensures that your event becomes the talk of the town with its exquisite atmosphere. What’s more, guests get a grand warm welcome with a touch magic projection with event details at the entrance. With ample parking amenities and plush decorated lawns, Pearl is the right choice to take your business visions to the next level.


Understanding that ‘events are not mere events, but life moments’, Firm's Banquet Hall decided to add a striking architectural wonder in Anna Nagar. Situated at the heart of Chennai, Ruby is absolutely jaw dropping with its classy, elegant glass columns supporting a grand structure designed meticulously to suit contemporary tastes. Fully equipped for video conferencing and buffets/sit downs, Ruby is the ultimate experience of luxury married to functionality. Exhilarating food menus and a unique design make Ruby the perfect spot for all things special. From simple cocktail parties to grand wedding occasions, now you know where to host them.


Moments that you spend with your loved ones, families and kids will be cherished throughout your life. Experiencing them in the most fitting manner makes all the difference. Crystal, the rooftop splendour that is, caters to your family events and kids’ parties in the most fashionable and fun way possible. From interactive games for kids to sprawling scenic city view, Crystal is the most deserving place to cherish those important moments with your family. In short, crystal projects the perfect ambience for the perfect family get-together.